CLOVEHITCH’s ownership is from diverse backgrounds with the unique commonality of all having direct, hands-on CONUS and OCONUS experience leading our intelligence, linguistic, IT and administrative professionals. This experience resulted in a shared guiding principle -- "If you respect the mission and all those contributing to its accomplishment, success will follow." CLOVEHITCH will get the job done.

Our Clients
Current & Past Performance
Provided Language Area Studies Immersion (LASI) Regional Affairs/Strategist Immersion (RASI) to airmen from the Air Force Office of Special InvestigationsAIS I/II
Provided analyitical support services to forces in AfghanistanASL
Providing Sign Language Interpreters to various offices throughout the U.S. in support of deaf/hard-of-hearing employees for the Army, Veterans Affairs, and the Defense Contract Management AgencyCHASE
Provided cleared administrative, help desk/IT, and operational support to the DIA Joint Counterintelligence Training Academy in Quantico, VADLI FLC
Providing foreign language training support services and instruction, in the form of Mobile Training Teams (MTTs), in support of the Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language CenterDLITE I/II
Providing Train & Sustain foreign language mission support, CONUS and OCONUS, to the Department of the Army, Intelligence Security Command (INSCOM), Defense Language Interpretation and Translation Enterprises (DLITE) IDIQFSI
Provided area studies instructors and course management to teach Department of State, Foreign Service Institute, community personnel essential knowledge of specific foreign countries/regionsFSI
Provided validation studies and evaluations of FSIs proposed speaking and reading language proficiency testsMEGA IV/V
Providing onsite and offsite, CONUS and OCONUS, translation and interpretation services in support of Department of Justice Antitrust casesNMEC
Provided language services, management, and workflow of those services, to the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Media and Exploitation Center
Current IDIQs
Providing Train & Sustain mission support to the Department of the Army, Intelligence Security Command (INSCOM), Defense Language Interpretation and Translation Enterprises (DLITE) IDIQ
Providing linguist support services to the Department of State, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs (NEA) and South Central Asia (SCA) LSS IDIQ